Terms of Conditions

  • 1. These Terms of Use govern the use of the websites bearing the logo of ‘SciCon Nexus’ in the header. This includes any updates or releases thereof. By using our online services, you are legally bound by and hereby consent to our Terms of Use. These Terms of Use form a contract between ‘SciCon Nexus’ (a brand of Conferverse Services LLP), registered in Hyderabad 38, Telangana State, India (“SciCon Nexus”) and you as the user (“User”). These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Law of India, applicable at the place of jurisdiction of “SciCon Nexus’.

  • 2. Unless otherwise stated, the website and affiliated online services are the property of “SciCon Nexus’ and the copyright of the website belongs to ‘SciCon Nexus’ or its licensors. You may not copy, hack or modify the website or online services, or falsely claim that some other site is associated with ‘SciCon Nexus’. ‘SciCon Nexus’ is a registered brand protected by the Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks, Government of India.

  • 3. Please ensure that the content uploaded on the ‘SciCon Nexus’ website is correct and has been approved after giving your consent. Please also ensure that every person (Chair Members, Committee Members, Speakers etc.) announced on the website has given her/his allowance for this advertising. You must not use this website for any unapproved advertising. ‘SciCon Nexus’ reserves the right to modify or delete any content on the website at any time and without prior notice.

  • 4. The ‘SciCon Nexus’ website may provide links to other websites or external resources. As part of these Terms of Use, you acknowledge that ‘SciCon Nexus’ is in not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and that ‘SciCon Nexus’ is not liable for any content, services, advertising, or materials available from such external sites or resources.

  • 5. The website may contain advertising. ‘SciCon Nexus’ does not endorse any responsibility of any kind for the content of the advertisement or sponsorship or the advertised product or service, which is the responsibility of the advertiser or sponsor, unless the advertised product or service is offered by ‘SciCon Nexus’.

  • 6. There is no warranty for the website and its content, to the extent permitted by applicable law. ‘SciCon Nexus’, the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the website and its content “as is” without representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose relating to this website, its content or any to which it is linked. No representations or warranties are given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website, or any website to which it is linked.

  • 7. In no event, unless required by applicable law shall ‘SciCon Nexus’, its employees, agents, suppliers, contractors or any other party, be liable to the User for any damages of any nature, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages, loss, cost, claim or any expense of any kind arising out of the use, inability to access, or in connection with the use of the website, its content and information, even if the User has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

  • 8. ‘SciCon Nexus’ reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time by posting changes to this page of the website without prior notice. Please check these Terms of Use periodically for any modifications. Your continued use of any Service following the posting of any changes will mean that you have accepted and agreed to the changes.

  • 9. Telangana, India shall be the place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising of these Terms of Use, even if the Customer has her/his domicile outside of India.

  • 10. Law of India applicable at the place of jurisdiction of ‘SciCon Nexus’ shall apply exclusively.

  • 11. If any provisions of the Terms of Use should be found invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In any such case, the contracting parties shall negotiate on the invalid clause to substitute by a valid arrangement as close as possible to the original provision.